expert media and data
conversion since 1984




Automated & Repeat Conversions

Making repeat conversions cost effective, fast and reliable.

Do you process or accquire data on a regular basis? Data and Media sources are many and disparate.

Disc Interchange takes the guess work out of your accquasition and data mangagement process.
Put our mult-million dollar hardware inventory to work for you today.  Make DISC your GO-TO conversion partner.

  • With our streamlined path and special pricing for regular customers you save time and money, enabling you to concentrate on the important part - running your business.
  • DISC is adept at repetitive conversions and data distribution.  Automating conversions for top efficiency is what we do best. 

  • We write our own tape handlers, we can efficiently perform operations our competitors find cumbersome, yielding greater efficiency and lower cost while improving quality control. 
  • We process millions of records each month, including: invoices, statements, Medicaid claims, taxes, IRS files, CLEC call billing detail files, collections, hospital data, order fulfillment, real estate records, bank data, DOR reports, financial records, census data, RMV records, inventory data, and much more.
  • DISC has developed systems and procedures for distributing data to hundreds of separate clients from your single mainframe data file. You can give us your entire data base and we will generate a file for each of your clients, in the format they prefer, and email the file to them, or place it on our ftp server.  Large files can be written to CD and shipped directly to your clients.

Contact DISC today to find out how we can make your data accquasition, distribution or management tasks more profitable, efficient and accurate.